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Nuestra misión

Desde hace más de 45 años, Delta Plus diseña, estandariza, fabrica y distribuye globalmente un conjunto completo de soluciones en equipos de protección individual y colectiva (EPI) para proteger a los profesionales en el trabajo.

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Todos nuestros artículos

Todos nuestros artículos


Coping with heatwaves at work: 10 best practices

Working in heatwaves can be exhausting and even dangerous. Here are 10 things you can do to ensure the comfort and safety of your operators.
Productos,Experiencia 0 % silicone latex dmf

Irritant and toxic substance-free PPE

Repeated wearing of certain protective equipment can cause skin irritation or reactions to those with allergies or sensitive skin. Delta Plus can help you identify "PPE without".
Noticias financieras,Positive impact

EcoVadis CSR Label: a medal for Delta Plus

Delta Plus has just been awarded the Bronze Medal in the EcoVadis global CSR standard

Climate change: PPE against the cold adapts

Climate change is affecting the seasons and changing the daily lives of outdoor workers: our 2023-2024 winter PPE collection is adapting.